Thursday, April 19, 2012


Superstition is irrational and often quasi-religious belief in and reverence for the magical effects of some actions and rituals or the magical powers of some objects.
It is a worldwide phenomenon. It has come down to us from ancient times. Superstitions originated when man was helpless before nature. The element of fear and lack of scientific knowledge gave rise to superstitions. They are more deep rooted in Nepal than in the other countries. Some superstitions are supposed to bring ill-luck and danger while some others are supposed to bring luck and happiness. Superstitions sometimes lead to horrifying crimes like child sacrifices and burning of women who are believed to be witches. One should follow a superstitions belief only if it has a logical as well as a scientific reasoning behind it.
Many times when you are unwell, you must have heard the elders in the family blame it on someone's evil eye. In villages, people believe that spirits enter the body of some people and cause them to behave in a strange manner. These are all superstitions. Superstitions are the outcome of fear and ignorance of the causes of many natural and scientific phenomena. Long ago when people did not know about earthquake they felt that the tremor of the earth was caused by the steps of an approaching demon. Such ignorance can be dispelled through education. 

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